Internal control
The Board is responsible for maintaining and reviewing the effectiveness of risk management and internal control systems, and for determining the aggregate level and types of risks the HSBC Group is willing to take in achieving our strategic objectives.
Our key risk management and internal control procedures are described on pages 324-325 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2024 (PDF 8.34MB)
The Global Internal Audit function provides independent and objective assurance as to whether the design and operational effectiveness of the Group’s framework of risk management, control and governance processes, as designed and implemented by management, is adequate. The Group Head of Internal Audit reports functionally to the Chair of the Group Audit Committee.
You can learn more about our Internal Audit function, including how we ensure its independence and objectivity are maintained, by reading our Global Internal Audit Charter (PDF 110KB)

Our conduct
Operating with high standards of conduct is central to our long-term success. We have processes, policies and a culture designed to ensure fair outcomes for customers and protect the integrity of financial markets.

Managing risk
Active risk management helps us achieve our strategy, serve our customers and grow safely.