Annual Report
HSBC Holdings plc’s Annual Report and Accounts 2024, and related documents, are available to download below.
Annual Report by section
Section | Description |
The Strategic Report is the first section of the Annual Report and Accounts. It provides an overview of how we are structured, what we do and where, our strategic plan, the principal risks we face, and high-level performance information. |
The Strategic Report is the first section of the Annual Report and Accounts. It provides an overview of how we are structured, what we do and where, our strategic plan, the principal risks we face, and high-level performance information. |
Our ESG review sets out our approach to our environment, customers, employees and governance. It explains how we aim to achieve our purpose, deliver our strategy in a way that is sustainable, and build strong relationships with all of our stakeholders. |
The financial review gives detailed reporting of our financial performance at Group level as well as across the global businesses we reported on in 2024 and legal entities. |
Our risk review outlines our approach to risk management, how we identify and monitor top and emerging risks, and the actions we take to mitigate them. In addition, it explains our material banking risks, including how we manage capital. |
To support the Board’s commitment to high standards of corporate governance, our corporate governance report contains the Report of the Directors and gives details of our Board of Directors, senior management, and Board committees. It outlines key aspects of our approach to corporate governance, including internal control. It also includes the Directors’ remuneration report, which explains our policies on remuneration and their application. |
The financial statements provide detailed information and notes on our income, balance sheet, cash flows and changes in equity, alongside a report from our independent auditors. |
This section provides relevant shareholder information including on dividends, together with details on the Group’s future results dates and its Annual General Meeting. |
Supporting documents
File | Description |
Further detailed information on HSBC’s approach to managing risk, capital position and risk-weighted assets. |
Glossary: Annual Report and Accounts and Pillar 3 Disclosures 2024 (PDF 112KB) |
An explanation of key terms and definitions used in our Annual Report and Accounts and Pillar 3 Disclosures. |
A form submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission summarising information about HSBC Holdings plc and its activities in 2024. |
Key information from the Form 20-F is available in XBRL format to help analysts access and process data on our 2024 performance. |
Printed copies of the Annual Report
Shareholders who wish to receive a paper copy of the Annual Report and Accounts should contact HSBC’s registrars. Details can be found on the Investor contacts page.
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