
We have a comprehensive range of policies and systems in place to ensure that the bank is well-managed, with effective oversight and control.

We comply with the applicable provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code and the requirements of the Hong Kong Corporate Governance Code.

In this section you can find out more about our approach to corporate governance.

Accounting and auditing complaints

If you wish to make a complaint regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, please contact us at

More on this topic

Board of directors

View profiles of HSBC’s non-executive and executive directors, including our Group Chairman and Chief Executive.

Pam Kaur, Group Chief Risk and Compliance Officer, HSBC Holdings plc

Senior management

Meet the members of our Group Executive Committee, who support the day-to-day management of the Group.

Board responsibilities

The Board aims to promote HSBC’s long-term success, deliver sustainable value to shareholders and promote a culture of openness and debate.

Board committees

The Board has appointed a number of committees consisting of certain Directors and co-opted non-director members.

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