Moving from my hometown of Dalian in northeast China when I was 18 to study in the US and later in the UK wasn’t always easy but it has helped me in so many ways.

Studying overseas isn’t just about getting a degree. I learnt so many valuable skills, including time management and teamwork – and especially how to build resilience – that will help me supercharge my career here at HSBC.

Joining the bank in 2021, I’ve completed a two-year graduate programme in Wealth and Personal Banking. Currently, I’m working in marketing in Shanghai.

Whenever I move to a new team, I get to know everyone and the project inside out before I switch to another department and start all over again. This is something I’m comfortable doing – I believe this is down to the experiences I’ve had when studying abroad

Moving abroad

When I left home, I moved to Bloomington, Indiana, in the US, to complete a degree in public financial management.

It was a big change. The landscape changed dramatically over the 20-hour journey and while my English was good, I was homesick at first.

Thankfully, I’ve always been highly self-motivated and that helped me settle into my studies and my new life in the country.

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Different perspectives

Working with students from as far afield as France, Germany, Thailand and Turkey helped me learn that, if I was to succeed, I had to put myself in other people’s shoes to see a different perspective, or to think about how they might approach a particular task.

This has helped me when it comes to collaborating with others towards a common goal – a valuable skill at an international bank like HSBC.

Remaining adaptable and thinking about things from different angles helps me be more creative at work, challenge myself more and to ask questions.

By the time I moved from the US to study strategic marketing at Imperial College London in the UK, I was adept at solving problems.

Closer connections

My international education journey has helped me build closer connections and more trusting relationships with colleagues and clients at HSBC.

I recommend my experience to everyone – and encourage them to work hard, enjoy the moment and make new friends, as I did.

My only regret is that I didn’t travel more during the long summer breaks – I could have explored so many other countries.

Above all, my international education has boosted my self-confidence. If something doesn’t go to plan, I focus on a task and think about an old Chinese saying: ‘misfortune might be a blessing in disguise – just learn to believe in yourself’. That’s a valuable lesson for all of us.

International education

At HSBC, we understand there’s a lot to organise when preparing to study abroad. We offer support to parents and students on everything from international banking and wealth management to opening bank accounts, money transfers, saving and investment.

Our services go beyond banking. We also provide services that include educational consulting, helping students find accommodation and providing tax information.

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